The “Sapera LT driver for LabVIEW” is a software tool for interfacing Teledyne Dalsa image acquisition boards, with the National Instruments LabVIEW environment. This software will allow you to build LabVIEW applications based on SaperaLT compatible framegrabbers.
Teledyne DALSA offers powerful, innovative CCD and CMOS cameras combining industry-leading performance with cutting-edge feature sets and value. Open product selector: View all camera models. About the installer Using Teledyne DALSA ® cameras with MATLAB ® and Simulink ®, you can capture live video and images directly into your image processing and computer vision workflows. The table below lists the supported frame grabbers on 64-bit Windows ® systems. Northern micro laptops & desktops driver download.
Dalsa Spyder 3 Driver
- Enumerate the available boards
- Acquire and transfer image from the device to the PC host memory
- Single-shot or continuous acquisition modes
- Synchronize image acquisition with external trigger electrical signal
- Display live images, and access image pixels
Dalsa Vision Driver
- Framegrabbers compatible with Sapera LT driver:
X64-CL, X64-iPro, X64-LVDS, X64-XCelera, X64-AN, PC2-Camlink, PC2-Vision, PC2-Comp, Xtium-CL - Intel Core 2 Duo or later processor
- RAM: minimum of 2 GBytes
- Coreco Sapera LT 7.4 runtime (supplied)
- Microsoft Windows XP/Vista/7/8 (32 -bit or 64-bit)
- National Instruments LabVIEW 2009 or later
- National Instruments 'Vision Development Module' or National Instruments 'Common Vision Resources'